Saturday 5/1

Saturday 5/1

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Saturday 5/1
  • 30 Minute Low Impact Cardio Tone 4

    Join Pilar for this 4th low impact cardio tone workout!
    Props: 3-5 lb free weights, mini exercise ball (or a large firm pillow), and a mat

  • 12 Minute Wrist Weight Arms Extravaganza

    Join Beth for an extravaganza of wrist weight arms!
    Props: 1 pound wrist weights (but you'll still feel it if you do it without weights).

  • 9 Minute Beginner HIIT

    Learn some basic HIIT moves at a slower pace! This is a great way to focus on form and gain strength to move forward to more advanced HIIT!

    Props needed: higher surface (chair, couch, bed, coffee table, counter, pilate box, etc)